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As a registered provision, we aim to follow the requirements of the EYFS (2014) and the Childcare Register (2012) and provide an inclusive environment for ALL children and their families. We are also required to comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) Code of Practice 2014.


We will do this by:

• Regularly talking to parents/carer’s about the individual needs of each child

• Talking to children about their likes/dislikes and interests.

• Encouraging parents/carers to tell me about family culture/religion/beliefs.

• Providing a wide range of resources and activities which reflect the diversity of our local area and further afield.

• Supporting each child through sensitive observation, regular assessment and individually planned activities to achieve their full potential.

• Providing individual support depending on the child’s needs.

• Using the 2 year progress check to highlight if I believe a child is falling behind in any of the prime areas of learning.

• Focusing on the positive things that each child can do.

• Leading by example and challenging any form of prejudice.

• Providing resources which challenge stereotypical ideas.

• Sharing information about children’s learning and development – and providing ideas for home learning - with parents/carers as required by the EYFS.

• Seeking permission to ask for support from outside agencies where appropriate.

• Attending appropriate training to ensure I have the skills and knowledge needed to support children and their families.

• Encouraging children to respect each other as individuals.


We welcome your feedback on our service at any time and am happy to discuss my policies verbally, or provide them in a different format if you wish.


The designated SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) for this setting is Steve Jelfs.


If we believe a child needs additional support, they will speak to parents and ask their permission to approach agencies which will support their child. We will follow the graduated approach laid out in the Department for Education SEND code of practice to ensure every child receives the best possible care and learning development -


A SEND guide for parents and carers is available from -

Writing a SEND Local Offer:

Use the following prompts to help write a Local Offer which can be shared with parents and Ofsted.


All children attending our settings are monitored and observed in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. A 2 year old development check is carried out and shared with parents and any concerns regarding development will be discussed. The needs of the children who are new to our settings are identified through discussions with their parents/carers and any other professionals involved with the family - this enables us to identify the starting points in your child’s learning journey. Parents are given their child’s observation folder on a termly basis and we meet up regularly to share progress, and discuss appropriate next steps for your child. At the beginning and end of each day there is time for you to talk with us.


Leicestershire SEND training and SEN dropins are undertaken regularly to ensure necessary knowledge and to enhance my professional development as the need arises.

We are always happy to work closely with parent carers and outside agencies to learn specific skills to support children with additional needs. We are mainly first aid trained, have at least a level 2 qualification with Steve a QTS.


We will provide Government funded early years education places for eligible 2 year olds and all 3 & 4 year olds - ( Additional funding can be claimed for children with special educational needs (SEN).




Opening times:


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


(Breakfast Club available 8 - 8:30 £5)


Our Address:

Pentecostal Church Centre 

Tilton Road, Burbage


LE10 2SE  



07925 331497


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