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Compliments & Complaints

We aim to work in close partnership with all parents, to meet the needs of their children.


  • One way to improve our service is to understand what we do well; therefore we will be available for parents to give positive feedback and compliments. We may also, at intervals during the year, send out feedback letters so we can maintain the service we provide and/or improve.

  • We will keep written compliments in the Complaints and Compliments section in our policy file.


Preventing Complaints From Happening

  • We will agree with the parents and put in writing all the details of the contract between ourselves and the parents prior to the beginning of the preschool relationship.

  • We will show the parents the latest versions of our policies and procedures.

  • We will endeavour to follow the policies and procedures at all times.

  • We will encourage open dialogue in the relationship with the parents so that any misunderstandings can be sorted out.

  • If there is any aspect of our service that you are not happy with please bring it to our attention and we will make every effort to resolve the issue through frank and open discussion. 


If A Parent Wants To Make A Complaint To Ofsted About Our Care

  • We will offer all parents a copy of this procedure so that they understand that they are able, if they see fit, to contact Ofsted to complain about an aspect of our care.

  • The Ofsted contact details are as follows:
    Telephone: 0300 1231231.
    Post: The National Business Unit, 


      Piccadilly Gate,

      Store Street, 


      M1 2WD.


If A Formal Complaint Is Made Against Us Relating To The EYFS Statutory Framework

  • We will record the details of the complaint including:
    - name of the complainant;
    - date of the complaint;
    - details of the complaint;
    - action taken to resolve the complaint;
    - the final outcome.

  • We will keep a copy of any correspondence or written explanation with the parents concerned and prepare a summary of the complaint that would be available if any parents wished to see it.

  • We have a legal obligation to investigate it and respond to the parents within 28 days.

  • We will tell the parents of any action we have taken or intend to take as a result of their findings.

  • We will discuss with the parents the suitability of us continuing to look after their child, unless the parents have already terminated the contract.

  • We will seek legal advice as appropriate. 

  • We will keep written complaints in our Complaints folder.


If A Formal Complaint Is Made Against Us Not Relating To The EYFS Statutory Framework

  • We will record the details of the complaint including:

  •       - name of the complainant;
          - date of the complaint;
          - details of the complaint;
          - action taken to resolve the complaint;
          - the final outcome.

  • We will keep a copy of any correspondence or written explanation with the parents concerned.

  • We will attempt to discuss the nature of the complaint with the parents and resolve the complaint amicably.

  • We will seek legal advice as appropriate.

  • We will discuss with the parents the suitability of us continuing to look after their child, unless the parents have already terminated the contract.

  • We will keep written complaints in our Complaints and Compliments folder.

If a complaint is made about serious harm by a member of staff or adult associated with the setting we have a duty to inform the LADO and ofsted.



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