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ICT (Internet) Policy


We use the internet during our settings opening hours. We recognise that this could be misused, causing a safeguarding incident and therefore have this policy in place to protect the children within our setting and outline the correct procedure for its use. 

➢ The internet may only be used for our online learning journey called Tapestry, for training purposes and teaching purposes.

➢ The children can access the internet with a staff member for educational purposes such as looking up information or images relating to the children’s learning. 

➢ Staff and managers are not permitted to engage in any activities on the internet such as social networking websites or logging into their own internet accounts. 

➢ Uploading any photos/videos of children or work related information to these sites would be breaching the confidentiality policy and is not permitted. 

➢ If staff, committee members or parents have any concerns as to the use of this device then the safeguarding procedure must be followed. 



➢ We will endeavour to create age appropriate opportunities for children in my setting to experience the use of everyday technology. For example: through assisted use of a whisk when baking and using a torch in a darkened room. 

➢ We will also look to promote the use of technology when out and about. For example, 

through encouraging children to press buttons in lifts and at pelican crossings. 


Computer and mobile technology: 

Computer and mobile technologies can be a great source of education and play and we support the use of these technologies in our setting. We will endeavour to create age appropriate opportunities for children in our setting to experience the use of computer technologies: 

➢ Children having access to an internet enabled computer or preschool tablet. 

➢ Researching and downloading appropriate apps on our preschool tablet. 

➢ A staff member will be with the children at all times when the children are using the computer. 



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