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Disciplinary policy 

Minor Disagreements

 It is recognised that disagreements may arise among pre-school staff, or between staff and management. These can usually be resolved informally by discussion, although the assistance of the area organiser or Local Authority advisor may be sought where the grievance is outside the scope of the procedures set out below. 


Disciplinary Procedure

 A more serious situation arises when a dispute can not be resolved. We will only accept and act on complaints in writing. Instant dismissal is possible only in extreme circumstances of gross misconduct. Examples of such misconduct are: 

➢ Theft or fraud 

➢ Ill treatment of children 

➢ Assault 

➢ Malicious damage 

➢ Gross carelessness which threatens the health and safety of others 

Otherwise an employee will not be dismissed without the appropriate warnings. Any disciplinary matter will normally be dealt with in 3 stages: 

An oral warning: 

➢ In the case of a minor infringement, you may be given a formal oral warning. This will be kept on your file but will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes after a specified period(6 months). You may have the right to appeal against a formal oral warning. 

A written warning:

➢ If the infringement is more serious or there is no improvement in conduct after a formal oral warning you will be given a formal written warning, giving the details of the complaint, the improvement or change required, the timescale, the right to appeal and that a final written warning may be given if there is no sustained satisfactory improvement. A copy of the written warning will be kept on file but will be disciplinary purposes after a specified period (12 months). 


➢ If your conduct/performance still fails to improve the final step will be to contemplate dismissal, or taking 

action short of dismissal, eg:demotion. 

â—‹ Step 1: We will set out in writing your alleged conduct,characteristics or other circumstances which has led to dismissal or taking disciplinary action against you. We will set out the basis on which we have made the allegations against you. Your employer will invite you to a hearing to discuss the matter. 

â—‹ Step 2: The meeting will take place before any disciplinary action, other than suspension on full pay, is taken. The meeting will be held without undue delay but only when you have had a reasonable opportunity to consider your response to our written statement and any further verbal explanation we may give you. You must attend the meeting. 

➢ After the meeting we will inform you of our decision and notify you of your right to appeal if you are not satisfied with it. 

â—‹ Step 3: If you wish to appeal you must inform Joy Jelfs in writing within a reasonable time. If this happens, you will be invited to attend a further meeting and follow the procedure in step 2. 

The following principles apply to the dismissal procedure set out above: 

➢ The person who has the authority to discipline you in accordance with this procedure is Joy Jelfs.

➢ You have the right to be accompanied to any meeting by a trade union representative or co-worker.

➢ Each step in the procedure will be taken without unreasonable delay and hearings will be held at 

reasonable times and location. 

➢ Meetings will be conducted in a manner that enables both parties to explain their cases. 

➢ We will keep records detailing the nature of any breach of disciplinary rules or unsatisfactory 

performance, your defence or mitigation, the action taken and the reasons for it, whether an appeal was lodged, its outcome and any subsequent developments. We will keep these records confidential. 



Opening times:


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


8:30 - 12:15       12:15 - 4:00


(Breakfast Club available 8 - 8:30 £5)


Our Address:

Pentecostal Church Centre 

Tilton Road, Burbage


LE10 2SE  



07925 331497


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