Our key commitments
➢ Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone should play their full part in keeping children (including vulnerable adults when in their setting) safe.
➢ We will aim to protect children using national, local and school child protection procedures.
➢ We aim to work in partnership and have an important role in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements as set out by Working Together 2018.
➢ All Staff have a clear understanding regarding abuse and neglect in all forms; including how to identify, respond and report. This also includes knowledge in the process for allegations against professionals.
➢ Staff should feel confident that they can report all matters of Safeguarding in the School and setting where the information will be dealt with swiftly and securely, following the correct procedures with the safety and wellbeing of the children in mind at all times.
➢ We operate a child-centred approach: a clear understanding of the needs, wishes, views and voices of children.
➢ If we have any cause for concern, it shall be reported to the relevant bodies following the Local Safeguarding Children's Board Procedure. The name of our Local Safeguarding Children’s Board is Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Partnership and the LSCP procedures can be viewed at www.
Child Abuse
In relation to children safeguarding and promoting their welfare is defined as:
➢ Protecting children from maltreatment
➢ Preventing impairment of children’s’ health or development
➢ Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
We understand that child abuse can be physical, emotional, neglectful or sexual or a mixture of these and we are aware of the signs and symptoms of these. These four types of child abuse as defined in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ (2018) which is defined in the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education Statutory Guidance, 2020” are outlined in Appendix A
Signs of abuse are indicated in Appendix B.
This setting understands that there are indicators of child abuse; however, these should not be considered as a definitive list, but used when considering the possibility of abuse in children.
There are specific areas of safeguarding where we will endeavour to ensure their staff, are familiar with and having processes in place to identify, report, monitor and which are included here:
➢ Bullying including cyber bullying
➢ Breast Ironing
➢ Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and as defined by Working Together 2018
➢ Children at risk of criminal exploitation ( CRE) as defined by local safeguarding
partnership procedures
➢ Domestic Abuse
➢ Drugs
➢ Fabricated or induced illness
➢ Faith abuse
➢ Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
➢ Forced Marriage
➢Gangs and Youth Violence
➢ Gender based violence/Violence against women and girls (VAWG)
➢ Hate
➢ Mental Health
➢ Preventing Radicalisation
➢ On line abuse/Sexting
➢ Poor parenting, particularly in relation to babies and young children
We must notify Ofsted of any allegations of abuse that are alleged to have taken place while the child is in our care, including allegations about a member of staff or any family member.
We will undertake Safeguarding training as required by the EYFS Framework document, having taken advice from the LSCP or local authority on appropriate training courses. Therefore, we keep up to date with child protection issues and relevant legislation.
We will keep a record of visitors who come into our settings and will not allow people whose suitability has not been checked to have unsupervised contact with children who are being cared for by our settings
We will only take photos of children in our care if we have agreement from the parent / carer. Photos will be taken on our settings tablet, uploaded onto tapestry and then deleted from the tablet.
Children will only be released from our care to the parent/carer or an authorised person that the parent/carer has told us about. A password should be used to confirm the identity of a person.
Parents must notify me of any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child which will be recorded.
Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information.
We work together with parents to make sure the care of your child is consistent - please refer to our working with parents policy.
If we become concerned about a child's welfare:
We may get concerned about a child’s safety and welfare if the following occurs (not an exhaustive list)​
significant changes in children’s behaviour;
deterioration in their general well-being;
unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse;
the comments the child makes which give cause for concern
We will keep a record of the causes of concern.
If a child tells us of any abuse, we will:
Show that we have heard what they are saying and that their allegation is being taken seriously.
Not prompt the children with any leading questions but listen when they are recalling significant events.
Explain what actions we must take in a way that is appropriate to the age and understanding of the child.
Record what we have been told using the child’s exact words.
Make a note of the time, date, place and people who were present during the discussion.
We will then:
Ring 999 if a crime is being committed or if a child is in immediate danger.
Contact Leicestershire police on 101 if we think a crime has been committed but there is no immediate danger.
Contact our First Response Children’s Duty Team on 0116 305 0005 if we think a child is being neglected, physically, emotionally or sexually abused and requires assistance from social services or the police on that day.
If we have concerns about children’s safety or welfare, we must notify agencies with statutory responsibilities without delay. This means the local children’s social care services and, in emergencies, the police.
We will follow the advice given to us from the First Response team & local social services and record all the information.
We will notify Ofsted on 0300 123 1231.
If you are concerned that someone in a position of trust has harmed a child or behaved in a way that indicates that they may be unsuitable to be in a position of trust, please contact the LADO to discuss your concerns promptly, before speaking to the person of concern. The Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) number is: 0116 3057597 or 0116 305 5641.
We can refer to Early Help to support families by accessing a multi agency referral form:
In every instance we will record:
The child's full name and address.
The date and time of the record.
Factual details of the concern, for example, bruising, what the child said, who was present.
Details of any previous concerns.
Details of any explanations from the parents.
Any action taken such as speaking to the parents.
It is not our responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation ourselves.
Please see the following procedures which are linked to our safeguarding policy:
Safer Recruitment
Confidentiality & GDPR
Compliments & Complaints
Equal Opportunities
Health & Safety
Key Person Policy
Mobile Phones & Cameras
Send Policy
Staff Ratios
Further links:
‘What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’ guidance found at:
Leicestershire and Rutland Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements - October 2020
Safeguarding Children Competency Framework:
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020
Prevent Duty
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the EYFS 2014 found at:
Appendix A:
Physical Abuse
May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning/scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child.
Emotional Abuse:
The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child can cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including cyber bullying), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
Sexual Abuse and child sexual abuse within the family (CSIF):
Involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact or non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males; women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.
The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may include a failure to: Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter. Protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger. Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers); or Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. Respond to a child’s basic emotional needs .
Forms of bullying on and off line including prejudice based and Cyber Bullying. This is abuse which will include at least one, if not two, three or all four, of the defined categories of abuse.
Physical Abuse:
Most children will collect cuts and bruises and injuries, and these should always be interpreted in the context of the child’s medical / social history, developmental stage and the explanation given. Most accidental bruises are seen over bony parts of the body, e.g. elbows, knees, shins, and are often on the front of the body. Some children, however, will have bruising that is more than likely inflicted rather than accidental.
Important indicators of physical abuse are bruises or injuries that are either unexplained or inconsistent with the explanation given; these can often be visible on the ‘soft’ parts of the body where accidental injuries are unlikely, e g, cheeks, abdomen, back and buttocks. A delay in seeking medical treatment when it is obviously necessary is also a cause for concern. The physical signs of abuse may include:
Unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body
Multiple bruises- in clusters, often on the upper arm, outside of the thigh.
Cigarette burns
Human bite marks
Broken bones
Scalds, with upward splash marks.
Multiple burns with a clearly demarcated edge.
Changes in behaviour that can also indicate physical abuse:
Fear of parents being approached for an explanation
Aggressive behaviour or severe temper outbursts
Flinching when approached or touched
Reluctance to get changed, for example in hot weather
Withdrawn behaviour
Running away from home.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can be difficult to identify as there are often no outward physical signs. Indications may be a developmental delay due to a failure to thrive and grow, however, children who appear well-cared for may nevertheless be emotionally abused by being taunted, put down or belittled. They may receive little or no love, affection or attention from their parents or carers. Emotional abuse can also take the form of children not being allowed to mix or play with other children. Changes in behaviour which can indicate emotional abuse include:
Neurotic behaviour e.g. sulking, hair twisting, rocking
Being unable to play
Fear of making mistakes
Sudden speech disorders
Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour
Developmental delay in terms of emotional progress.
Sexual Abuse
It is recognised that there is underreporting of sexual abuse with in the family. School / College all staff and volunteers should play a crucial role in identifying / reporting any concerns that they may have through, for example, the observation and play of younger children and understanding the indicators of behaviour in older children which may be underlining of such abuse.
All Staff and volunteers should be aware that adults, who may be men, women or other children, who use children to meet their own sexual needs, abuse both girls and boys of all ages. Indications of sexual abuse may be physical or from the child’s behaviour. In all cases, children who tell about sexual abuse do so because they want it to stop. It is important, therefore, that they are listened to and taken seriously. The physical signs of sexual abuse may include:
Pain or itching in the genital area
Bruising or bleeding near genital area
Sexually transmitted disease
Vaginal discharge or infection
Stomach pains
Discomfort when walking or sitting down
Changes in behaviour which can also indicate sexual abuse include:
Sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour e.g. becoming aggressive or withdrawn
Fear of being left with a specific person or group of people
Having nightmares
Running away from home
Sexual knowledge which is beyond their age, or developmental level
Sexual drawings or language
Eating problems such as overeating or anorexia
Self-harm or mutilation, sometimes leading to suicide attempts
Saying they have secrets they cannot tell anyone about
Substance or drug abuse
Suddenly having unexplained sources of money
Not allowed to have friends (particularly in adolescence)
Acting in a sexually explicit way towards adults.
It can be difficult to recognise neglect, however its effects can be long term and damaging for children. The physical signs of neglect may include:
Being constantly dirty or ‘smelly’.
Constant hunger, sometimes stealing food from other children.
Losing weight, or being constantly underweight.
Inappropriate or dirty clothing.
Neglect may be indicated by changes in behaviour which may include:
Mentioning being left alone or unsupervised.
Not having many friends.
Complaining of being tired all the time.
Not requesting medical assistance and/or failing to attend appointments.