Lone Worker Policy
We are committed to providing a safe working environment as far as reasonably practicable that meets the needs of its staff and volunteers.
All lone workers must have, as a minimum, the following training:
Paediatric First Aid
Child Protection Training
Prevent Duty
Occasionally as numbers are under ratio only one staff member may be required to work in a room/area within the setting. In addition a member of the team may take a small group of children into the community.
Lone working will only occur if:
Other members of staff are within calling distance (or contactable via the walkie talkie system) if the staff member requires assistance.
The numbers of children are below ratio and appropriate.
The staff member is qualified at NVQ Level 3 or Equivalent or above.
Our Walkie Talkie communication system ensures that even when lone working, staff are able to communicate at all times. Any lone workers will be checked on regularly by managers or other staff. Level 3 qualified staff will be able to supervise small groups of children outdoors Some examples of when lone working is deemed as acceptable are below:
A small group of children wish to explore an outdoor area and a large number of children are engaged in activities indoors or children are sleeping.
A key person would like to take a small group of children on a community walk around their local area.
A small group of children attending the local park.
All lone working situations will be assessed on an individual basis and risk assessed based on the staff and children involved, ensuring that legal ratios across the building are maintained at all times.